
The Current President of the Free State of Sabini is Matthias Savino, Born February 8. 1976 on Adak Island in Alaska, USA, due to his father being in the United States Navy as a Hospital Corpsman, Matthias got to travel and live in many locations within the Unites States.
He initially aspired to become an Architect but decided to join the United States Navy right after high school. After leaving the military he worked many odd jobs til landing in the medical field where he stayed for 15 years. After moving the US state of Texas he got into the Information Technology field where he is currently working as an Information Technology Support Specialist for an American Residential Engineering firm.
President Savino is married to First Lady Gene Rose Savino. Together they have 5 children, 4 boys and 1 girl. They have been together since early 2018.
The President has already started one of his first agenda items since taking office to gain recognition of the Free State of Sabini from other nations around the world.
First Lady

Gene Rose Savino, the First Lady of the Free State of Sabini, is currently studying abroad to further her education and acquire her masters degree in nursing. She continues to work as a home care nurse while attending the university.
Born in Bogo City, Philippines on June 13, 1977, Gene has always enjoyed caring for others and that is why she got into nursing right after high school.
Gene is an advocate of growing your own foods and being as self-sufficient as possible. She attempts to set an example of this in her own daily life. "Take responsibility for your own life and do expect others to do for you".
Her advice is to never stop learning. Knowledge is power.
March 22, 2020
Dear Citizens and residents of Sabini,
I am proud to inform you that no one residing in the Free State of Sabini has been diagnosed with COVID-19. We pray that it continues to stay that way.
I know some of you are scared and afraid of the current situation around the world with the coronavirus. Some of you are scared of the virus itself and others are worried about the liberty infringing actions being taken by governments around the world as well. I assure you, this government is not going to violate your freedoms in any way. We only offer advice in that you take precautions. Do what is best for you and your families. Sanitation is our strongest weapon against diseases, viruses, bacteria and other illnesses. Voluntary isolation is proving to be very effective to drastically reduce your chances of catching and spreading this virus. A vast number of people do recover from this illness.
Local hospitals are doing their best to care for people with all types of ailments, not just the virus, but self ownership and responsibility will help both you and the community get through these hard times.
Stay healthy, stay clean and do not panic. If you find yourself coming down with any of the symptoms please try to avoid others so as to help reduce the spread of this virus.
We will get through this.
Yours in freedom, your duly elected president,
Matthias Savino
April 13, 2020
Dear Citizens and residents of Sabini,
I'm delighted to announce the opening of the newly established community library. The library has many books and resources to educate and research including a computer center. It's dedication and origination is from the First Lady, Gene Rose Savino, and has been appropriately names the 'Gene Rose Community Library'. It is open for all Citizens and residents to use during regularly scheduled hours.
Yours in freedom, your duly elected president,
Matthias Savino

April 29, 2020
My fellow Sabinians,
I come to you today with notice of the approval of a national flower. The flower chosen is commonly called the ‘Winecup’ (scientific name, Callirhoe Involucrata) or slightly less commonly called the ‘Purple poppy mallow’. The decision to choose this particular flower was based on selection of one that grows naturally in Sabini along with the fact it shows one of colors chosen in our national flag, the majestic purple. So in honor of our first First Lady, Gene Rose Savino, I am honored to announce the dedication of the ‘Winecup’ as the national flower for the Free State of Sabini.
Yours in freedom, your duly elected president,
Matthias Savino
June 30, 2020
Dear Citizens and residents of Sabini,
I'm announcing my official tour of the provinces this summer. I will visit all of them and meet with the residents and citizens to discuss our plans for the future of our country.
I want to announce that we have been recognized by at least fourteen other countries as of today and I am diligently working to increase that number. It is a long and tedious process as we are a small nation, but I have complete faith that soon we will get full recognition from a vast majority of the worlds countries. We invite other people who are looking for freedom and liberty and not live under the rule of tyrants to join us and help us grow as a country.
Yours in freedom, your duly elected president,
Matthias Savino
July 9, 2020
To the Citizens of Seoul,
On behalf of all of the Free State of Sabini and myself, we would like to send our deepest condolences to the City of Seoul, South Korea and our hearts go out to the family of Mr. Park Won-soon. Though we do not have any official relations with South Korea we still mourn with then during this difficult time. We wish the best for the city of Seoul and Mr. Park Won-soon’s family. You are in our prayers.
President of Sabini,
Matthias Savino
August 9, 2020
To the citizens of Lebanon,
Our hearts go out to the families who lost their loved ones in the devastating tragedy that occurred in Lebanon this last week. We are also praying for the families who lost their homes, their belongings and their livelihoods. What happened in Beirut was sadly terrible. The cleanup will take time but the healing will take much longer.
We hope that some answers will come soon to the families in the near future. Some of our residents and citizens have contributed to humanitarian aid that will help those affected in Lebanon.
President of Sabini,
Matthias Savino
November 23, 2020
Dear Sabinians,
Good morning my fellow Sabini citizens and residents. Today is Sabini Founders Day, a day we celebrate and remember the founders gathering ideas and deciding to be a free and independent county away from crippling taxes and over regulation of our personal lives. Governments around the world violate some of the most basic rights of its people. We are different. We are setting an example to other nations.We are unified with our love of freedom. Remember this day as our starting point to a new future.
Some are wondering how do we celebrate. We have no traditions. The answer is any way you want, make your own tradition. So long as you do not infringe on anyone elses rights or property. I wish everyone well and thank you all for making Sabini the best country in the world.
President of Sabini,
Matthias Savino
January 11, 2021
Dear Sabinians,
Good day my fellow Sabini citizens and residents. Today is the first anniversary of Sabini's Independence , a day we celebrate and remember why we left the united States of America. I hope you enjoy your day of celebration and exercise your freedoms to the fullest. This is a big milestone for our country.
Some are wondering how do we celebrate. We have no traditions. The answer is any way you want, make your own tradition. So long as you do not infringe on anyone elses rights or property. I wish everyone well and thank you all for making Sabini the best country in the world.
President of Sabini,
Matthias Savino
May 18, 2021
Good evening,
I come to you with a saddened and heavy heart. As you all may know there is conflict again in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. Israel was evicting Palestinian Muslims from their homes to give those homes to their fellow Israelis.
It started on May 6, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, when Palestinian protests began in Jerusalem after Israel started to evict Palestinians from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah, a neighborhood in East Jerusalem which is a part of Palestine that Israel hold occupation over, against International law. On 7 May, Israeli police raided the al-Aqsa Mosque, located on the Temple Mount.
The police used tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades against the stone-throwing Palestinians. More than 300 people were injured that day, mostly Palestinians. Since then there has been constant fighting between the two nations. The attacks from Israel have accounted for over 200 Palestinian deaths including 70 children and over 300 injured while almost 60,000 are now without homes. Of the over 200 Palestinians that have been killed only 15 are part of Hamas, the rest are civilian. In contrast 12 Israelis have died, one of which was a child, and around 200 injured.
Israel’s bombing has destroyed the roads to the major hospitals and now is planning to cut off all electricity to Gaza.
The nation of Sabini condemns the violence on both sides and the aggressive actions of Israel towards the innocent civilians in Palestine. We pray that peace will come soon between these two nations.
President of Sabini,
Matthias Savino
January 9, 2022
It is with a heavy heart that I come to you all today with this sad news. Our Sabini Armed Forces leader, Gen. Dan Gulliksen has passed away due to complications of Covid. He had been hospitalized for over 2 weeks and we were all praying and hoping he would recover but he lost the fight. Our first death of its kind in our history. His contributions to our Armed Forces was impeccable and he will be extremely hard to replace. His wishes are to be cremated and his ashes placed with his mother in California, uSA.
President of Sabini,
Matthias Savino
January 29, 2022
Good morning my fellow Sabinians, Our presidential election have come to a close. The votes have been counted. With receiving one hundred percent of the votes, I am happy to announce that I will be your president for another term.
I am grateful to all the support I have received and I pray I can continue to make you all proud. It has been an honor to represent Sabini to the world and I plan to continue that mission of gaining more recognition from other nations and counties and try to grow Sabini in size and numbers. With your help we can make Sabini a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world.
President of Sabini,
Matthias Savino
September 25, 2022
Good afternoon to all Sabinians. As your president and ambassador I went to visit foreign countries to explore, visit and talk with others from other nations and try to expand our reach. I was gone for 14 days and traveled to Japan for a short visit and to Vietnam. I have started a trade relation with Vietnam and will continue to expand on that venture and make it grow and benefit our nation. I look forward to returning in the near future.
My next overseas travel will be to return to the Philippines later this year and visit our province there to see how things are going.
I encourage all or our people to explore other nations if at all possible. To see and witness our cultures.
President of Sabini,
Matthias Savino
September 23, 2023
Good afternoon fellow Sabinians. During my last visit to the North Cebu Province, the First Lady and I visited a local girls orphanage and brought gifts for the children and bought lunch from a local delicacy of children in the area, Jollibee, for all of them. The children were very grateful and it was a great feeling to bring smiles to their faces. We plan to do more work like this in the future. I encourage all of us to help the less fortunate.
President of Sabini,
Matthias Savino
September 24, 2023
Today we visited the boys orphanage in the same area of North Cebu Province. Again, the First Lady and I brought toys and food for the children. Another successful day of bringing smiles to children's faces.
President of Sabini,
Matthias Savino